
Monday, December 14, 2020

Catching up safely with more family 😀😀

Well hello there 😀😀 After our Granny Granpa duty we had a nice happy hour Red

Good spot to watch the rain in the city 😂😂

Walked back and enjoyed home burgers with our low carb rolls

Woody rested after all that fun

These trees appeared in our city foyer after kiddies went home

Lucky us 2 trees......and can tell you they get stored in an office all year round undecorated ie: still decorated 😂😂

Caught up with a dear friend who lost her hubby a few months ago and she gave me these lovely chocolates. So kind ❤❤

My oldest boy has now moved near us in the city

View from his open balcony.....that building out there we can also see from ours

Took him and my other boy out for tea ❤❤

They were listening to Paul 🤣🤣

Rex Frank me Paul 

And we had road works happening over a few nights but not too loud

On Wednesday I met my girl near her work and so good to see her and chat ❤❤

2 pics coz I was so happy 

And this is the building and park going to be opposite us....handy

Back home we went and my crazy cactus has this long stemmed flowers happening 

Oh and another chicken using scraps 

Fat like me do to 2020 😂😂

I enjoyed prawns for breakfast one morning

Oh and added more to chickens tail......yes I am crazy 😁😁🤣🤣

Saturday we took Woody for a short drive to a camping area. My boy Ray kiddies and friends were camping the nignt

Sweet Cooper asleep in the car......he came out shortly and happy to see friends but a bit more pics of him

And April sat with friend Eden and enjoyed more pics lol

Saturday night I made an interesting drink of Soda Raspberries chia seeds and dash of cream.......nice 

Back to herbal tea from the garden added lemon peel 

Have made more Hokey Pokey biscuits and may take some when we mind Jaylen at his house tomorrow 😀😀

And apparently he has a big head so Granny has sewn a Bucket hat

First time ever and sew together and can wear either way

Ta Da........hope it fits lol
So tomorrow and outing
May your days be okay and thank you for the visits and Hey Teresa my one and only commenter 😀😀❤❤


1 comment:

  1. Hi Wendy.. I'm here! I enjoyed each photo.. the littlies are my fave as I adore them. Cute chicken too. Nice looking sons you have. And gorgeous daughter, too! I'm glad you got to see them all. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

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    *M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
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