
Thursday, March 31, 2022

Food of course and some sewing

Well hello again
Almost giving up blogging due to pics not loading.....maybe its time to quit
Anyway found this neat pic on my camera from a while back
Nice butterfly on flowers 

Food yes always food
Paul enjoyed this at a local joint

And I ate the chicken, most of the crumbs fell off so ok by me lol

Paul likes this wine and I like the koala that comes with it
Fun pourer 🐨🐨

Healthy drinks for me though 

Another tasty meal from our freezer supply 
Low carb macaroni and bog sauce 

Woody continued watching Bridgerton this week 

Meat sauce from the freezer ready to make Zucchini lasagna 

Paul prepared 

And put together 

Looked great after heating 

Delicious 👌

More sewing
Changing sleeves on another older T

Future plans with these old Ts too

A different look 

And some other sewing for someone 

We enjoyed those spicy wings with Bok Choy 

I had a good walk on one of the afternoons 

Walking back 

Clouds looking interesting to me at least 😂

And another top for me
No colour blocking this time 

Love the bird fabric 

Neat Sun setting Tuesday evening

Yesterday we checked a recent reopened Pub (new owners)

Popcorn Prawns 

Pretzel with Garlic Cheese 

And Smoked Wings enjoyed by us both 

I also went to the movies
New cinema complex and only me in the theatre 
Watched "Of the rails" chick flick and enjoyed and miss traveling 

Now our backyard has those Corellas visiting 

I may have given them some parrot mix 

So many and heaps in the trees 

This morning 2 Galahs visited 

Nice to see them
Should I keep blogging?
Unsure but.......
Anyway thanks for the visit and comments and just being here 
Take care Keep safe xoxo


  1. The floral fabric is pretty. It would make a nice sundress. Those chips look fabulous. Zucchini lasagna! Love that it gets around having pasta so lasagna is healthier. Stay on blogging, please.

    1. Yes I will stay and enjoy visiting your blog as well.
      It is a tasty easy dish 🐨😀🐨

  2. Do stay :-). A while back I went through a week of not being able to post photos on my blog. No idea why! It righted itself so I thought it was Blogger messing about! You have been busy! I do like your tops. I always think,especially in the hot weather, lots of cool tops never go amiss. I so wish Sr P would like cheese on top of meals I make ... sigh. That courgette bake looks delicious but I would have to leave out the cheese. Well perhaps I'll just do it for myself! :-). The birds remind me of the clouds and noise of the crested cockatoos I saw when we went for a trip to the Blue Mountains. Amazing! Take care Amanda x

    1. Oh Amanda thankyou lifts my spirits. Yes very similiar to cockatoo but without yellow crest. Shame he does not like cheese but undrrstand sometimes allergy.
