
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Visiting and around the garden

Well who do we have here? Max, my youngest boys cat who is a Maine Coon ☺ He is lovely and huge in length but slim in body....We had a little visit to 

Check up on this boy of mine who had been a bit unwell....hopefully feeling a lot better today

Look at Max all twisted up on his scratchy post home near the man....I missed catching a photo of him putting his nose on the mans hair and trying to tap him with his paws lol 

Back home, yesterday I decided seeing as I can't have any pets, that I would try and attract some birds to the is a water dish for them ☺

Just put it on an old tree far have not seen any birds have a drink....

A view through one of my Rosemary plants over the thyme towards a sunflower 

No sign of its yellow face yet.....I actually planted 50+ seeds and all that grew were 2......

The other sunflower at the front next to more Rosemary and everlasting Basil

The garage garden is not fairing very well, but am trying to build up the herbs as seem to be the only thing I have luck with....

Also fixed up my bird feeder so there it is now hanging in the tree.....

Still hoping to see a bird eat the seeds lol 

The spa is still a work in progress...maybe in a few months it will be up and running

And I bought myself some new sandals.... ahnu  link if you want to check them out more....I did not get them from their site though as they would not post to p.o. box.....I have a black pair and they are so comfortable and great wearing while walking even over rocky ground and you can even walk through water too as they dry quickly....

Another view of them.....I also have some of their boots and again fantastic to wear....

Yes, I finally finished 1 sock....only took me over 2 months lol 

The Sophie's universe cal where I have now completed part 1 & part released sometime today/tonight.....
How is your weekend going? Over here it is Australia_Day tomorrow (Monday) so a long weekend
See you again soon and thank you to those who follow me too xo


  1. What a nice mom to visit your son who isn't feeling well. I'm familiar with the big Maine Coon cats.. quite something. Perhaps your son should have the cat checked for worms as that might be why it's so skinny. He should have a lot more weight on him. Your sock is awesome! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. Just caught up on your Jan. posts since the 8th, Wendy! It's great that you are able to visit with your family. Having pets can be such a pleasure, but traveling with them or finding care for them while you travel is a challenge I don't want to cope with any I understand your mixed feelings. Your yarn projects came/are coming out well and I am very impressed you are brave enough to make the doily. And I admire your bravery in tackling home improvement projects, too. While my folks had very productive gardens, my efforts need improvement :) I hope you are able to enjoy your two sunflowers and that you can figure out what will grow in the spots that have been problems for you. xx

  3. I love your new sandals. I've looked at that same brand in the store. I have worn Tevas for years but I'm tired of them so I will check those out. I'm glad you had a nice visit with your son. I hope he's feeling well soon. It was nice to see your garden and your sock looks great!
