
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Catching up with family and other things

Hello my friends....first off will update on my Mum ♥
She is in a hospital now where she gets physio Monday to Friday and is doing ok but limited movement still on her left side, but talking better and as happy as you could be, not being able to go home....I have been entertaining my brain with the crochet Sophie's Universe and enjoy when I force myself to do a round every now and again.....

I even managed to crochet a little apple tree for that fun rug I am doing via happyberrycrochet

The other morning I heard a crash on the wooden side fence and came upon this little dove looking very disheveled...... I noticed it had been swooped on by a small bird of prey, which I did not get a pic of as too fast but will put a Internet pic here to show...

The man covered the poor thing with a milk crate to give it some protection ☺

And here is the culprit.....which looks large in this pic, but was only about a foot tall....later we noticed the dove had moved on, well at least that is what we hoped ☺

Saturday I was going to stay at my dear girl's house for the night and they decided to have a meal out at Pancake parlour as a mother's day fun time ☺ Here is my oldest grandboy looking mighty fine and hungry ☺

My youngest boy and his beautiful wife ♥

Me and my girl lol

Her man ☺

The second grandboy's only pic with his awesome meal of cheese kransky pancake with a scoop of icecream lol 

Those loving newly weds sharing a Mexican crepe

Me and my girl both ate these wonderful Canadian pancakes, yummo with bacon, eggs, and some naughty butter 

Grandboy 1 had chicken parma 

Oh and look, that night I got to have lots of fur fun with their 3 cats. This one is Dexter and he looks like he is smiling ☺

And this fine fellow is Dante' with my handbag packed with Woody from toy story to come to stay with me for future road trips lol 

The 3 fur buddies, Sparrow, Dexter and Dante'....MEOW 

Woody is now happily relaxed in our lounge room and looking forward to trips with us in the future...
I have past on to Mum all the well wishes I have received and it certainly makes her smile
Hope things are going okay in your lives


  1. I hope your dove made it to safety, those hawks sure are scary looking, aren't they? I'm glad your mom is getting the best care possible. Old age is not for the faint of heart and we all have to go through it. Those kitties are cute. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Thanks Teresa and I have seen that mini hawk again got a pic this time ☺

  2. Thank you for the update on Mum. Sending you all tons of love.

    What a lovely mother's day celebration you had. You have a wonderful family, Wendy. But now, I cam really hungry as I want all those delish foods!

  3. Lots of love to your Mum. Oh I love smiley cat photos! xox

  4. Sending get well wishes to your Mom. You look like you have a wonderful family - what a blessing.
