
Friday, December 13, 2019

Some xmas fun and more this last week

Hello people lol  Last week while in the city I snapped this little Merry Christmas and wish to you all the same 

We went to a xmas type party at Ray and Lauren's house.....Rex and Batty came too 

Ray and Lauren in the distance and Sonia (my ex's wife) sitting 

Paul wearing the reindeer antlers proudly lol  

Me and my Frank 

A bit of a bbq happened 

Sarah and me having fun in a booth type snap scene 

Batty and me 

And my ex, Garry with Sonia funning it up 

Sarah looks lovely in my crochet hat......gave it too her and she loved 

Last Sunday we caught a tram to St Kilda and ate breakfast here larochestkilda

Neat casual place for eating and socializing 

Selfie time 

My turkish bun breakfast not low carb lol 

And this was just half of it 

Paul's tasty not low carb choice lol 

Back at the city pad Woody enjoyed time on the couch 

The other side of that sign 

And look and neat Rudolph shining in the sunset 

Back home I have now completed gifts and wrapped up everyone of back was killing me lol 

Decided to have another go at sock knitting with the ball from my stash......

The beginning of porcupine wrestling lol

Woody enjoying Attenborough 

And assisting with that knitting 

Made a low carb choc chai puddidng 

Progressed on that sock 

And also enjoyed a lovely Roobis tea 

Oh and today look at this......getting closer to our next adventure 

Woody is pretty keen to get in any bag he can ☺☺

A few progress shots of Pool workings.....this is up the hill and they are drilling down to get to the thermal water 

Massive drill and added extra lengths each day......

The actual Pool building progressing too 

Cranes, many men/women on this project 

On the other side.....going to be HUGE but not till 2021 January
Anyway that is enough non raving from me and may you be well, healthy and happy out there at this crazy time of year......I am doing my best some days ☺♥

1 comment:

  1. You party-ers, you! I love seeing all your family enjoying each other's company. How nice of you to give your daughter your hand-crocheted hat and indeed, she looks beautiful in it. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    *M*E*R*R*Y* * *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
