
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Filling in our days

Gosh 9 days since last posted and now back home with a garden to walk in YAY 😂😂
While still city doing the isolation I did a bit of crochet 

Woody continued to watch train and travel shows 

Toilet rolls in abundance at this supermarket once we were allowed out APRIL FOOLS day 🤣🤣🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

I made a low carb lasagna using zucchini and mushrooms instead of pasta 

Cooking up the meat sauce and cheese sauce 

Ready for the oven 

Woody always enjoys Michael Portillo ❤❤

Getting ready to complete baby Yoda

A cross on the calender to count down our isolation 😷

Yum the lasagna was.......

Just a hello out there during that long time 

Woody assisting in making a beanie 

Yoda completed ready to give to Sarah's partner Shannon lol Hopefully when we are allowed to drive over for distant giving.

A nice spiced Rum we enjoyed on one of our evenings 

Beanie production 

Little snags and carrot zucchini fritters 

Paul organizing his medications 

Cabbage chicken stir fry which was very tasty due to sesame oil and soy 😀😀

Close up hello from Woody my only friend 🤣🤣

Finally back home last Sunday and Woody so happy to be back on the couch here 

I found a pattern for masks online and used old pillow cases to knock up a few 

Yummy low carb lunch in between the sewing 

I also whipped a Indian chicken dish we like to have for tea using already cooked chicken 

A mask for my girl Sarah....made her 2....she works in a hospital cleaning and they have no masks for this would be better than none 

Production line 😀😀

This is one of mine 

I have made 7 so far 

On that Woody ❤❤

And in our toilet paper.....but we do have some 

On my birthday night I let Woody have a little tipple 

And we enjoyed CHICKEN WINGS my favourite 

Yesterday we had this little platter to share for lunch 

And I decided to make some bread.....not low carb but with so many out there baking I joined them.....have not baked bread for 4 years 

The bread was so yum. Simply no knead supplier of flour and yeast and improver which I used to use and amazingly available in one of our newsagents 🙄🙄

The full moon last night at 7.30

More zoom

8.30 last night 😀😀😀😀❤❤❤🦇🦇
Love a good full moon....apparently a Pink moon but probably at 4am.....did not get up for that lol
May you all continue to stay well out there ❤


  1. I am so happy for you to be back at your home with a big garden so you can have some outdoors time. You did a great job on Baby Yoda! Bravo! Your bread turned out awesome.. good job. Stay safe, my friend. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    ❀.•❤•.✿.•❤ Happy Easter! ❀.•❤•.✿.•❤

    1. ❤❤❤❤ Yes good to be walking outside lol Thanks re Yoda and bread xoxo
