
Monday, August 5, 2013

Another quick post

Hello again my friends ☺ Busy doing very little lol
But have caught up with some crochet/knit buddies and actually completed a simple double crochet scarf.

A shot of my lovely bat jumper and the scarf

Lovely and long and very warm, it was made with Fiddlesticks knitting yarn called Toscana and bought from bigw. I am always posting other people's pictures so this time just me lol

No one visiting the spare bedroom currently and probably just as well with all of this mess in the room. Cleaning out our little van to sell and be ready for the new one which should be ready by end of October. Yes another trip on the horizon up to sunny queensland.

Bedding and lots of stuff.
Another week has gone by quickly.
Back again soon maybe with some a bit more exciting lol


  1. Preparing for a new trip and finishing a new project is exciting to me :)
    My oldest sister and I are preparing to drive from here to Nebraska to visit her oldest daughter's family on their farm. But when will I finish my next stitching project? Stay warm with your pretty scarf and I hope you enjoy preparing for your next trip!
    Gracie xx

  2. Mumma Bear everything you have to say is Exciting to me! There's that lovely bat jumper it looks great on you and perfect with the scarf on these chilly days! Wowee another qland trip upon the horizon will be lovely to travel in your new van. much love, hugs and kisses to You xoxoxoxo xoxoxoxo Sarah , Brandon and Batty

  3. I love your scarf! Good luck with the cleanout and the trip prep. :)

  4. The Toscana color combo is so vibrant and pretty and you are darn cute!
