
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Hello from new zealand

Hello again ☺  Well this was not in New Zealand but on my car before we left. A cute praying mantis.

Also I posted this off before we left to my oldest boy who lives in Sydney 800klms away from me.
He had seen the little bird I made my mum a few years ago and liked it so I made him one. It is from Lucy at Attic24 blog. 

On the plane getting ready to fly to Auckland, window seat near the engine.

Hostess doing the safety drill.

Time difference, 2hrs ahead of us in Melbourne.

Going along the runway

Up in the air, I do love the take off and landing ☺☺

Above the clouds.

Beautiful day up here.

Selection of music I listened to while taking off and landing, keeps me calm lol

In New Zealand.

Stopped off for a bit of shopping for some of our meals. In Oz these are called shopping trolleys, but here they are trundlers, love the quaint differences in some countries ☺

Oh look and New Zealand daddy long legs lol 

Our motel room for 5 nights with a small cooking area. 

Bathroom and open wardrobe.
We have been to visit the man's dad a couple of times and must remember to take a picture of them together. Weather has been quite warm but today is rain rain rain lol 

Called in at the only theme park in NZ, Rainbows end and they have a new ride coming very soon. Looks just like the claw in Queensland at Dreamworld. 

And because I am a bit crazy for the sight of planes taking off and landing, the man took me to a great spot near the Auckland airport. 

Almost missed it lol 

Up up and away.
Well that is enough crazy boring flight talk. Hope you are all great where you are and will post again after we are in Queenstown next week. Take care out there xoxo ☺♥


  1. Oh.. looks like you're having fun! I also love seeing planes take off and land, and especially love when they fly over my head real low! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  2. This post wasn't the least bit boring to me, Wendy! I have never been to New Zealand and will enjoy all you are able to share...including the planes and fabulous clouds:) Wishing you a happy week xx

  3. It looks like you're having a great time. My husband's parents live in NZ and I've only been there once, but I especially loved Auckland. It's a beautiful city. I hope you have a great vacation there.

  4. I hope you are having a great time!
