Beautiful day today with a lot of works going on in our street for water, so the naturestrip has been dug up again, last year too and have further chance of it when they re do the driveway/curb and put in humps on the road. Added a few pics here from yesterday/last night and this morning. I have TWO followers, they are family but hey that is still good lol, and the fact I have not gone public is another reason for not many to see this lol.
Well the Corella's are back in town, warm days and lots of noise from these birds, wonder where they are settling overnight.
The moon on its way to being full by friday
Sunset in the backyard last night.
The Rosemary, baby Sage and Lemon Thyme are all going real well, must make myself a cup of tea with the Lemon Thyme as reckon it would be mighty nice.
Loving the colourful chili plant and quite HOT lol.
Last of the tomatoes, but still going and oh so tasty and have had many major large ones.
End of basil, but have frozen some to keep a little supply happening.
Picked my FIRST lemon the other day with many more coming on from our tree which is only a few years old, Eureka lemon.
The Strawberry patch is getting bigger all the time and yummy.
Out of control Rhubarb, really must pick more and cook it up.
The lavendar plant that grew all by itself, self sowed.
Anyone need bay leaves??? I have HEAPS.
The other strawberry plant and a small blue berry bush and wonder how many years till I can eat heaps.
A crochet square called Canadian Springtime completed for a square a month in 2010, just a bit behind lol. Pattern can be found here free pattern
In the middle of this one Waldo's puzzle also from 2010 pattern here also free.
Really need to get on with this crochet thing more.
That square looks impossible.
ReplyDeleteIt was a good challenge and thankyou for commenting ☺♥