
Sunday, August 18, 2013

An Owl bag with a difference ☺

Hello again, how has your week been. Mine has still been a bit more productive than I usually am.....Joined this monthly crochet challenge laughing purple here and have actually finished before the end of the month, amazing, well for me anyway lol.

A cute owl which I decided could become a bag.

Found a no longer used pillow case and attached the owl and made a strap too from the pillowcase.

There it is all complete with a little heart button on the side ☺

Of course I had to add my touch to the other side with a smiley face button up the top too. ☺☺

I am going to give this to little Misty for her birthday in October. I think her mummy will like this too and will probably see it here so no surprise for her lol. But shhh we wont tell Misty ♥

And  I have mostly been just going with the grey hair these days but decided on a couple of black streaks for fun. The hairdresser did a bit more than I expected but hey I like it.
May you all be having a great weekend. The sun is shining at the moment but don't think it is going to last so better get that washing on the line.
I love all the comments too ☺♥


  1. That bag is so cute! I love owls and I really like that you put your personal signature on too. Your hair looks great! :)

  2. Hi Wendy! Omgoodness.. that is one cute bag! What a nice gift! I've been wanting to try a couple of bright colored streaks in my all white bangs.. like bright red on one side and bright green on the other.. :-D ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
