
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Quick visit

Hello again! Here is that lovely little grand girl Misty. I live 2hrs away from most of my kids and even 10hrs from my oldest boy so visits are not always often enough. I had medical things to take my mum to so grabbed the chance to drop in quickly on these 4 as my middle boy had a birthday so able to give it to him in person ☺

The birthday guy himself ☺

Oh little Mr Riley is growing so much and very hard to take a picture of him not moving lol.

What a face ♥

And his mum ☺
Bad me did not take one single photo of my mum. She is probably glad as after being in hospital for 2 nights she is not really keen on candid photo's being take lol She is going well though so that is good.

Now I thought I might just have a go at drafting a pattern for a skirt! I used to do this sort of thing when my kids were small and made most of their clothes, well that was roughly 30 years ago lol
So let's just see how long this will take me as you know how long I take to do anything these day.....
I can say I have drafted the front piece of the skirt and liking this book Design-It-Yourself-Clothes-Patternmaking-Cal-Patch Wish me luck on this old age adventure ☺

That granny strip I started is growing slowly and a different assortment of colours.

And here is that sock still also growing slowly, but at least I have variety in my life.
What are you up to at the moment?
Today is Australia day here, so happy Australia day ☺

1 comment:

  1. Bright happy faces full of love Wendy! The projects bright and happy too. Love that sock yarn!
