Hello from NZ, but this pic is from the night we again stayed in the city and due to Chinese new year still being celebrated, we got to see more fireworks and my mobile took pretty okay pics...
again plenty of loud noises
and lighting up the sky
following morning we had our flight to NZ which was not till 8.45 am but bus picking us up at 5 am......do we look awake lol
of course I am very happy to wait at the airport and watch the planes come and go
waiting for our plane to be parked at the gate behind us.....
and there it is....no where near as big as the plane we caught to Europe it was MASSIVE lol
Woody was ready wearing my headset
and happy to be looking out over the wing
getting refueled
but this was interesting on the plane.....a praying mantis came in on a girls hoodie and a man helped get it off her and it ended up leaping off somewhere not far from us.....eventually it appeared on the seat in front of Paul and he had a plastic bag ready (had airline headphones in it and he had removed) with a bit of leaping towards me he managed to bag it.....handed to air stewards before taking off.....and as it was an Oz praying mantis it was removed from the aircraft. Apparently if it had stayed on board the whole plane would have had to be sprayed to protect NZ from and Aussie pest.....so good deed done and it survived
now I will bore you with lots of wings snaps as we took off
very dry in this area of Melbourne, sure needs rain
then up above the lovely fluffy white clouds
Oh and I always either enjoy listening to music or watching concerts and as luck had it Crowded House concert which I had already seen at home was listed so watch again I did....google them if you don't know them, their music is awesome!
and land ahoy......in the distance after flying across the sea from Oz to NZ
see now
very pleased still with my mobile pics
and if you enlarge this pic you will see the little theme park Rainbows End with a corkscrew rollercoaster.....the planes fly over all the time
wings getting ready for the landing
over the grassy area
over the water
much closer
and landing
landed.....yes so many pics but I love and we landed lol
made this little crochet hat last night for a very soon expected small person
love to you all out there xoxo
Boy.. you two get around! What was the reason for this trip? The little hat is cute and I am sure you are anxious for the new one to arrive and all will be well. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)